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I'm Serlene the playgroup leader. My background is teaching and I have taught in schools in The United Kingdom, Germany and The Netherlands.

My educational studies have included preschool development and teaching and entertaining preschool children

I, like our playgroup, have a multicultural as well as international background, born in Barbados I moved to the U.K. at the age of 14. My husband is English, my older son and daughter were born in Germany and my younger son and daughter (twins) were born in England.

To add to the background my son in laws are Dutch and my daughter in law Lebanese.

In addition to teaching I have a passion for dressmaking, baking, creating mouth watering dishes and reading.

I have over 35 years of experience in this area of teaching and education.




I'm Emmalene, l too have a multicultural/international background and was raised in Germany, The UK and The Netherlands. I also spent sometime living in Florida with my husband Robin who is Dutch, we have two daughters.

 I have a background in teaching, with qualifications in child development, counseling children and adolescents, teaching assistant and child psychology. 

In addition to my teaching and prior to teaching in Daisy-chain I taught painting and drawing to children in The Hague.

I am an artist and previously worked in an art gallery undertaking commissions for portraits and paintings. I also wrote a children's book which was published.

When home I enjoy cooking and indulging in arts and crafts, that is of course when my two daughters allow me to do so.

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