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  An information pack will be given to parents when their child starts Daisy Chain

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Daisy Chain is located in a church hall, do you teach Religion?


A. You are correct, we are located in a church hall which is adjacent to, but not part of the church itself. The Playgroup does not teach Religion in any way, we focus on the subjects covered in our policy guide. All are welcome to our non-denominational playgroup to learn English and the other activities we teach.


Q. Do  I provide the nappies/diapers and wipes for my child?


A. Parents provide the nappies/diapers and the wipes, we also recommend having a change of clothes, just in case...


Q. What is your policy regarding birthdays?


A. If it is your child's birthday, we like to celebrate with them, The birthday girl or boy may bring small party bags or gifts for the other children in the class, but please nothing too elaborate and again, no hard or large sweets.


We distribute the bags to the parents, they decide when their child may eat the sweets, etc.


Please remember some children may have allergies, so no nuts, etc.


Q. Do you have any guidelines for children's safety?


A. We have a number of policies which we follow. Click on the links on the website, or if not displayed here ask the team leader. 


We welcome any comments, thoughts, ideas or suggestions you may have on any of our policies or proposals which are always forwarded to you prior to any implementation.

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